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  • Writer's pictureFair fee Driving school and machinery training


After the learning process a student is awarded a nqf certificate and becomes qualified O.H.S who earn average salary of R15000 per month and the salary range is R6000- R30000.

Skills are attained at Fair Fee O.H.S training centre at minimal fees. Modules for super link truck driver course and their duties and responsibilities include

• Occupational health and safety policy

• Introduction

• Definitions

• Employee safety responsibility

• Accident and injury reporting

• Hazard reporting

• Rehabilitation

• Emergency procedures

• Workplace ammenities

• First aid

• Personal protective equipment

• Manual handling

• Safety work practices

• Office Safety

• Unacceptable behavior

• Bullying

• Occupational violence

• Discrimination and harassment

• Risk management and occupation rehabilitation program

• Office Safety Outcome after the training

• Use verbal and written practices to communicate in the workplace and apply mathematical processes to solve everyday numerical problems.

• Explain the requirements of current legislation impacting on Health, Safety and environmental issues in the workplace.

• Recognize, assess and report health and safety hazards and situations in the workplace.

• Administer various health and safety functions, planning, policy and behaviors in the workplace.


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